Today should be eve of the FA Cup final day. One of the most momentous occasions in the footballing calendar. Could it have been our year? We’ll never know now as the season has been voided. And yes, we are totally ignoring the fact that were knocked out in the early qualifying rounds by…
It’s FA Cup final week! Or at least it should be anyway. What was previously one of my favourite sporting days of the year when growing up is now seen as almost an inconvenience by many of the bigger sides. The obvious attraction of finishing fourth in the premier league being far preferable to…
I’ll be honest, this lockdown is slightly tedious, but given the whole of the 2019-20 season has now been expunged, we’re now undefeated in over a year and our last league game at home was a 6-0 win over Tivvy. Teams will need to treat us with the respect our undefeated streak deserves when…
As the lockdown continues and people find more curious ways to amuse themselves, we at TSOF have continued our tour through the archives and are pleased to confirm we shall be partaking in no fucking TikTok or lip syncing videos. Necking pints and baking bread remain open options at the time of writing. With…
Lockdown is impacting people in different ways. The increased spare time has seen some people take up new hobbies with a vast percentage of the population now artisan bakers with an excellent line in banana bread and sourdough with seemingly little else on the menu. There have been Mensa levels of IQ exhibited in…
One of my favourite films is The Rock, that’s the film with Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage and not the WWF wrestler (I was always more of a Road Dogg fan myself). At one point in the film, Dr Stanley Goodspeed (Cage) and John Mason (Connery) are trapped inside the old cells of Alcatraz…